miércoles, 22 de enero de 2014

Películas vistas en 2014

1- Carriers (2009) [**]
2- Sígueme el rollo (2011) [***]
3- Reencuentro en Malasia (2012) [**]
4- We are what we are (2013) [***]
5- Antisocial (2013) [**]
6- Caged (2012) [**]
7- Buenas noches, y buena suerte (2005) [***]
8- Who framed Roger Rabbit? (1988) [***]
9- Insane (2010) [*]
10- Frozen (2013) [****]
11- How I live now (2013) [***]
12- Pretty dead (2013) [***]
13- Para Elisa (2013) [***]
14- Carrie (2013) [***]
15- Django Unchained (2012) [****]
16- Mean girls (2004) [***]
17- El proyecto de la Bruja de Blair (1999)
18- We're the Millers (2013) [****]
19- No tell Motel (2012) [***]
20- Admission (2013) [****]
21- Grown ups 2 (2013) [****]
22- Juego de espías (2001) [***]
23- Resident evil (2002) [***]
24- En el nombre del rey 2 (2011) [**]
25- Resident evil: apocalypse (2004) [****]
26- Ahora me ves (2013) [*****]
27- Pontypool (2008) [****]
28- 13 sins (2014) [***]
29- Big Sur (2013) [****]
30- In fear (2013) [***]
31- Carriers (2009) [***]
32- Step up revolution (2012) [***]
33- Resident evil: extition (2007) [****]
34- It's in the blood (2012) [**]
35- Elysium (2013) [****]
36- The Heat (2013) [****]
37- Crazy eights (2006) [**]
38- Here comes devil (2013) [**]
39- La princesa de Sherwood (2001) [**]
40- Divergente (2014) [*****]
41- Flashdance (1983) [**]
42- Up in the air (2009) [****]
43- Dark skies (2013) [***]
44- Den Brysomme Mannem (2006) [**]
45- Charlie y la  fábrica de chocolate (2005) [****]
46- Maleficent (2014) [*****]
47- Fatal call (2012) [***]
48- The human race (2013) [**]
49- Ocho apellidos vascos (2014) [****]
50- Tres metros sobre el cielo (2010) [***]
51- Lo dice Georgia (2007) [**]
52- Scary movie 1 (2000) [***]
53- Sacary movie 2 (2001) [**]
54- Scary movie 3 (2003)[**]
55- 2001: Una odisea del espacio (1968) [*****]
56- ¿Quieres salir conmigo? (2014) [***]
57- I Will Follow You Into the Dark (2012) [**]
58- Showgirls (1995) [***]
59- The Afflicted (2010) [**]
60- If I Stay (2014) [****]
61- Tangled (2010) [****]
62- The net (1995) [****]
63- Sophie Scholl: Los últimos días (2005) [***]
64- El Hobbit: La desolación de Smaug (2013) [****]
65- Expediente 39 (2009) [***]
66- After Earth (2013) [****]
67- Djinn (2013) [***]
68- Fleke (2011) [**]
69- Purgatorio (2014) [*]
70- Resident Evil: Retribution (2012) [****]
71- Silent Hill (2006) [***]
72- Big Bad Wolves (2013) [***]
73- Munger Road (2011) [**]
74- The Invention of Lying (2009 [****]
75- Juno (2007) [****]
76- A Perfect Getaway (2009) [**]
77- Laws of Attraction (2004) [****]
78- Ghost of Girlfriends Past (2009) [****]
79- Memento (2000) [*****]
80- Grand Piano (2013) [****]
81- Kyss Mig (2011) [****]
82- Take the Money and Run (1969) [****]
83- 21 Jump Street (2012) [****]
84- Las vírgenes suicidas (1999) [****]
85- 12 Years a Slave (2013) [*****]
86- Mamá a la fuerza (2004) [***]
87- Bridesmaids (2011) [****]
88- Event 15 (2013) [****]
89- The Maze Runner (2014) [***]
90- Kristy (2014) [**]
91- Annabelle (2014) [**]
92- The Day (2011) [*]
93- Ken Park (2002) [***]
94- Monsoon Wedding (2001) [****]
95- White Bird in a Blizzard (2014) [****]
96- Bachelorette (2012) [***]
97- Malèna (2000) [****]
98- The Hunger Games: Mockingjay part 1 (2014) [***]
99- Lost and Delirious (2001) [****]
100- Mindscape (2013) [***]
101- Ghostbusters II (1989) [****]
102- Big Fish (2003) [*****]
103- The Princess Bride (1987) [****]
104- Finding Neverland (2004) [****]
105- Amour (2012) [****]
106- Alien (1979) [****]
107- The Purge: Anarchy (2014)  [***]
108- Aliens (1986) [*****]
109- Alien 3 (1992) [****]
110- Alien: Resurrection (1997) [***]
111- Reservoir Dogs (1992) [****]
112- Torment (2014) [***]
113- Lucy (2014) [***]
114- Dead Within (2014) [**]
115- Bajo Cero (2006) [***]
116- After the Dark (2013) [***]
117- The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies (2014) [****]
118- The Book Thief (2013) [****]
119- Edge of Tomorrow (2014) [****]
120- Under the Skin (2013) [**] 
121- Se7en (1995) [*****]
122- Solo Amigos (2005) [***]
123- The Damned (2013) [***]
124- The Spectacular Now (2013) [****]
125- The Midnight Meat Train (2008) [**]
126- Wolf Creek 2 (2013) [***]
127- Cube (1997) [***]
128- Dark Shadows (2012) [***]
129- El amigo de mi hermana (2011) [***]
130- Clueless (1995) [****]
131- Blancanieves y la leyenda del cazador (2012) [***]
132- Les Misérables (2012) [****]
133- Friends with Benefits (2011) [***]
134- Dead Poets Society (1989) [*****]
135- Beetlejuice (1988) [***]
136- Lost in Translation (2003) [***]
137- Bridge to Terabithia (2007) [****]
138- The Happening (2008) [***]
139- Lo imposible (2012) [****]
140- Airplane! (1980) [****]
141- La sombra del cazador (2007) [****]
142- Deliver Us from Evil (2014) [****]
143- Boyhood (2014) [****]
144- Thelma & Louise (1991) [****]
145- Viral (2013) [**]
146- I Origins (2014) [****]

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